Monday, August 23, 2021

Today's Motivation Has Arrived!



Just for you,

Don’t let your ego get in the way of personal growth. When people give you advice, they want to help you. And even though some of it might not be too useful, just considering... Continue Reading

Hot Reads

Feeling Lost? Top 5 Easy Ways to Improve Mental Clarity.

Have you ever had a time period when your mind was so cluttered or clouded over that you felt confused or bewildered? It seemed like no matter what you did or didn’t do, you just couldn’t get clear?

I think perhaps we all have at one time or another. It’s certainly no fun feeling confusion, as it can really put a damper on your mood. It may even cause you to become stuck in one or more areas of your life...

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Foot in Mouth Syndrome? 4 Ways to Gracefully Recover and Feel Better.

When we are angry, we tend to blow things out of proportion. We get upset about things that wouldn't bother us otherwise.

At that moment, the things that irritate us seem more important than everything else.

We temporarily lose our sense of judgment. Words come out of our mouths before our minds can process their..

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Today's Affirmation

I will offer my best self today. It's okay if I don't do everything perfectly. I am growing and I am going at my own pace. I release all the doubt and... Continue Reading

Daily Motivational Quote

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