Friday, August 21, 2020

True-crime books available at LAPA


True-crime stories that shocked South Africa.
Get the inside scoop of what happened on those fateful days.



The Krugersdorp Cult Killings
Eleven murders over a period of four years sent shockwaves through the Krugersdorp community and made headlines nationwide. Eventually these murders were connected to Cecilia Steyn and her cult, Electus per Deus (chosen by God). Members of the cult were willing to do anything for Cecilia – even if it meant committing murder.


The murderers are intelligent, ordinary people – a teacher, a financial broker, and a teenager who – despite her involvement in the murders – still managed to obtain six distinctions in matric and be accepted to medical school. Their victims merely kept their appointments, not knowing that their appointments were with death.

Who is Cecilia Steyn? How can one person manipulate five others to commit murder and perjury on her behalf? How did Satanism contribute to all of this? How did inexperienced criminals manage to evade capture for so long? Jana Marx answers these and other questions in this true-crime account that led
to one of the most sensational murder cases in the country’s history.

Through interviews with those in the inner circle, evidence given in court and police files covering a period of four years, Marx attempts to answer the public’s questions and provide a view of the inner workings of such a cult.

The Krugersdorp Cult Killings is available at your local bookstore.
The e-book is available at LAPA and Amazon.



Afspraak met moord
Elf wrede moorde oor ’n tydperk van vier jaar ruk die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp en haal landwyd nuusopskrifte. Eindelik word al hierdie moorde verbind met Cecilia Steyn en haar kultusgroep, Electus per Deus (uitverkies deur God). Lede van die groep aanbid die grond waarop Cecilia loop en sal selfs vir haar moord pleeg.


Die moordenaars is slim, gewone mense – ’n onderwyseres, ’n finansiële makelaar, ’n kind wat tussen die moorde deur steeds ses onderskeidings in matriek behaal en boonop keuring kry om medies te gaan studeer.

Hul slagoffers het bloot ’n sake- afspraak nagekom, min wetend dat dít ’n afspraak met die dood was. Wie is Cecilia Steyn? Hoe kan een mens vyf ander manipuleer om moord te pleeg en namens haar in die hof te lieg? Watter rol het Satanisme gespeel? Hoe ontduik onervare misdadigers die polisie vir so lank?

Jana Marx beantwoord dié en ander vrae in ’n waremisdaad-verhaal wat gelei het tot een van die opspraakwekkendste moordsake in die land se geskiedenis. Met behulp van onderhoude uit diegene in die binnekring, hofgetuienis en polisiedossiere oor ’n tydperk van vier jaar poog Marx om die publiek se vrae te antwoord en ’n blik te gee op die binnewerkinge van só ’n kultus.

Afspraak met moord is nou beskikbaar by jou naaste boekwinkel. Die e-boek is ook beskikbaar by LAPA en Amazon
Die oudioboek is ook nou beskikbaar op Audible, met die bekende akteur en musikant Bouwer Bosch, wat dié verhaal voorlees.



House of horrors
Landi is the eldest of five children who were rescued from the so-called Springs house of horror. She is now 21 years old and tells her astonishing story for the very first time. In May 2014, police raided the house where a sadistic father had imprisoned, abused and tortured his wife and five children in a rat-infested den of sleaze.


In chilling detail, Landi recalls how their father assaulted them by tasering them, shooting them with a gas pistol and burning them with a blowtorch, how he researched torture methods and nearly drowned them in a bathtub.

She relates her memories to Susan Cilliers, an experienced journalist, who documents it with compassion, skillfully combining it with facts that emanated from the police investigation and court case. 

House of Horrors is the shocking tale of a father who took everything from his family in the cruelest possible way, but it is also a story of hope about a brave young girl who eventually finds happiness and healing.

House of Horrors is available at your local bookstore. The e-book is available at LAPA and Amazon.



Huis van gruwels

Huis van gruwels
Landi is die oudste van vyf kinders wat uit die sogenaamde Springs-gruwelhuis gered is. Sy is nou 21 jaar oud en vertel vir die eerste keer haar verstommende verhaal. In Mei 2014 het die polisie dié huis ontdek waar ’n sadistiese pa sy vrou en vyf kinders vir jare tussen vullis en rotte aangehou, getreiter en gemartel het.


In ysingwekkende besonderhede onthou Landi hoe hul pa hulle aangerand, met ’n skokstok geskok, met ’n gaspistool geskiet en met ’n blaasvlam gebrand het, hoe hy martelmetodes nagevors en hulle byna in ’n bad verdrink het.

Sy vertel hierdie herinneringe aan Susan Cilliers, ’n ervare joernalis, wat dit met deernis weergee en dit vernuftig met die feite van die polisie-ondersoek en die hofsaak verweef. 

Huis van gruwels is die skokverhaal van ’n pa wat op die wreedste manier denkbaar alles van sy gesin wegneem, maar ook ’n storie van hoop oor hoe ’n dapper jong vrou uiteindelik geluk en genesing vind.
Huis van gruwels is nou beskikbaar by jou naaste boekwinkel. Die e-boek is beskikbaar by LAPA en Amazon.



Battered, abused, shamed

Battered, abused, shamed: Joey Haarhoff was my mother
Amor van der Westhuyzen, daughter of the infamous Joey Haarhoff who together with the paedophile Gert van Rooyen abducted six young girls, had a childhood from hell. Joey physically, verbally and emotionally battered her only daughter and turned a blind eye when Amor’s own father sexually abused her. Joey was a megalomaniac who manipulated and ruled Amor’s life for decades.


Amor continued to suffer due to Joey’s actions, even years after her mother’s death.
But out of sheer willpower she survived the trauma. Amor is a deeply religious person who put a stop to the cycle of hatred and violence. She wants to give hope to other women who have been broken by those closest to them.

Battered, abused, shamed: Joey Haarhoff was my mother is available as e-book at LAPA and Amazon.



Mishandel, misbruik, misken: Joey Haarhoff was my ma
Amor van der Westhuyzen, dogter van die berugte Joey Haarhoff wat saam met die pedofiel Gert van Rooyen ses jong meisies ontvoer het, se kinderjare was ’n riller. Joey het haar enigste dogter fisiek, verbaal en emosioneel mishandel, toegelaat dat Amor se eie pa haar seksueel misbruik en haar geheel en al as mens misken. 
Joey het as beheervraat vir dekades haar dogter se lewe gemanipuleer en oorheers.


Selfs jare nà Joey se dood moes Amor nog ly as gevolg van haar ma se dade.
Maar sy het die trauma danksy pure vasberadenheid oorleef. Amor is ’n diep gelowige mens wat die siklus van haat en geweld stopgesit het. Sy wil hoop gee aan ander vroue wat deur hul naastes verniel is.

Mishandel, misbruik, misken: Joey Haarhoff was my ma is beskikbaar as e-boek by LAPA en Amazon.

LAPA is ’n afdeling van Penguin Random House South Africa (Edms) Bpk.


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